Straight Facts About Cable Desclambers
If you want to understand the way a cable descrambler or a cable network works, we are here to explain the simple reason behind the image on your TV set.
In order for you to have crystal clear image on your TV set, a cable network is the first necessary thing. cable TV companies install cable lines all over cities, running from one neighbourhood to another, from one house to another. All these cables are forming the cable network, through which the TV signal is permanently running. That fact that a cable has TV signals running through it at all times doesnt necessarily mean that you will have image on your TV channels. Every cable company is protecting its incomes and profit by using a simple method: scrambling all the TV signals that run through the cable lines. This is the reason why you have image on your TV and your neighbour doesnt see a thing on his TV set, although you both own the same cable equipment. The cable company has descrambled the TV signal for you, but not for your neighbour. And by installing a cable descrambler in every house, this problem is fixed. Every client has a cable descrambler attached to the TV set, but not all of them are activated. When you pay the cable bill, the cable TV company is sending information through the cable line that is activating your cable descrambler. And this is how you get image on your TV.
If you are wondering why a cable company is scrambling the TV signal, well the answer to this question is simple: money. cable TV companies, as any other company, want to have profit. They can not have this unless they charge a fee paid by their clients. If they hadnt scrambled the signal running through their cable network, every person would have had image on their TV set without paying a dime. Therefore, the TV signal is scrambled.
So, a cable descrambler is a device that is transposing the TV signal into image. cable companies use cable descramblers for pay-per-view and premium channels too. Once you have paid for seeing these channels, the cable company activates your cable descrambler and you will be able to enjoy your HBO.
Another generation of cable descramblers has just entered the market: digital cable descramblers. They are working the same way as normal cable descramblers but they possess the advanced feature of descrambling digital cable signal.
Therefore, if you are looking into buying a cable descrambler, you have 2 options: the normal cable descrambler and the digital cable descrambler. We are advising you to purchase a digital cable descrambler as the technology is progressing fast and soon enough, all cable TV companies will replace their old fashioned cable descramblers for new high-tech digital cable descramblers.
Get your Digital cable Filters or known as Digital cable Descramblers from .Every order comes with detailed, simple instructions.
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