Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Obesity - Cause and Remedy

A well-known psychologist recently wrote about the issue of obesity in America for the Practical Advise column, which appeared in my local newspaper. The title of her article, Obesity Is A Medical Illness, Not A Behavioral Disorder, shocked and frightened me. She stated, Obesity meets all of the clinical definitions of a disease.

In view of the fact that this is a syndicated column and hundreds of newspapers will carry this article, I am compelled to write a rebuttal to this outrageous miscarriage of facts. Maybe with some stretch of imagination, being obese may have earned a medical disease diagnosisbecoming or staying obese is the result of emotional adaptations and indoctrinationsenvironment, family, religion and society are contributors to the onset and proliferation of obesity.

The frightening aspect of this article is the proclamation that obesity is a disease, reinforcing the doctor's role as an authority and the persons role as a helpless sick person. This indoctrination instills the belief that a "disease," is out of the direct control of the person and that the doctor has a "treatment," and that the person must "listen to the doctor" in order to "get well again." Thus, learned helplessness and submissiveness is then vastly amplified by this insidious edict. The person becomes more dutiful to the doctor and to the demoralizing principles of prescriptions, which is the mainstay of Traditional Western medicine. Denial of ones responsibility for ones health and compliance to the doctors authority becomes a way of life, anchored in place by false facts.

The national Center for Health Statistics, 2007, set the obesity rate for Americans at 31 percent. This statistic is no doubt low, because many obese people do not appear in statistical data, because they seldom use medical services in order to be counted.

Side effects of obesity includes: diabetes, cardiovascular disease, sleep apnea and depression, which are diagnosed as medical conditions. However, from a metaphysical standpoint, these issues can be traced back to emotional issues which precipitated the person to use food as a coping mechanism.

Reasons for excess weight include:

Emotional issuesFear, Hidden anger, resistance to forgive, Need for protection, Running away from feelings. Insecurity, Oversensitivity, Self-rejection. Seeking fulfillment, Childhood traumasexual abuse, corporal punishment and verbal abuse
Diet high in carbohydrates
Lack of exercise
thyroid imbalance
Insulin imbalance
Adrenal problems
water retentionkidney/heart malfunction (edema, phlegm accumulation)
Weak digestive function
Blood sugar swings (glycogen/insulin imbalance or hypoglycemic/diabetes)

The Cause of obesity - http://ezinearticles.com/?The-Cause-of-Obesity&id=152996, Its Not Only The FoodIts Also What You Tell Yourself: Maintain Your Ideal Weight The Right Way, Weight MaintenanceRelapse Prevention Part I http://ezinearticles.com/?Weight-Maintenance---Relapse-Prevention---Part-I&id=619711. See also, Weight MaintenanceRelapse Prevention Part II.

Successful approaches to weight loss include:

Eat regular, balanced meals (small meals 5 times/day)30 percent fats, 30 percent proteins, 40 percent complex carbohydrates (vegetables, with some grains (no wheat). This practice coupled with Eat Right for Your Type by Peter D'Adamo is a clear, simple food plan for each blood type that anyone can follow. For example there is a direct connection between stress, autoimmune disorders and red meat in the Type B system. I can attest to this research. Long before Eat Right for Your Type was published, I discovered red meat caused me to feel stressful due to pain in my stomach and nerve endings. It felt like my stomach lining and nerve endings had been scraped until they were raw. I discovered this pain was prevalent after eating red meat, thus, I stopped eating red meat and the pain in my stomach and nerve endings ceased. Many years later without knowing my blood type, I read Eat Right for Your Type and wondered if my blood type was B. After checking my blood type, I was not surprised to discover my blood type is B positive.

The process of changing your eating habits might seem insurmountable. However, consider the end result and the effort is worth any falsely perceived difficulty.

Walk outside or on the treadmill at least 10 minutes after eating the evening meal.
take specific proven herbal compounds before each meal to increase metabolism and to assist in releasing fat and curb water retention.
take specific nutritional supplements for the thyroid and adrenal gland, both crucial to the weight-loss process.
Have acupuncture treatments to help balance the organ systems (pancreas, live, endocrine function), to reduce cravings and curb the appetite (ear acupressure is available for those who fear needles).
hypnotherapy is imperative if you have a strong underlying emotional cause for excess. How does one determine if one has a strong underlying emotional cause? The answer is simpleif you did not have a strong underlying emotional cause, you would not have gained excessive weight.

Losing and maintaining ones ideal weight requires an earnest commitment to healthier living. The end resultfeeling and looking betteris well worth the effort.

If your best efforts fall short of your desired goal weight, consider hypnosis administered by a Certified Hypnotherapist, who specializes in Mind, Body, Spirit healing.

Hypnosis is a dynamic and vital healing process embracing all aspects health care. Hypnosis is client-centered with its focus on the discovery of the origin of a persons issues. through the process of hypnosis/regression the unconscious mind goes to the original cause, which then gives the person and practitioner the opportunity to process the original feelings surrounding the original experience/cause. These surrounding feelings can be healed, thus empowering the person to live the life they want to live.

This study confirmsHypnosis is more effective and works more quickly than traditional talk-therapy or psychoanalysis. In a hypnotic state, you are more receptive to new ideas and you can more effectively process the emotions linked to the experiences, which created pain, fear, sadness, anger, guilt, shame, humiliation and low self-esteem.

through Hypnosis you connect with your subconscious mind, which puts YOU in control of your subconscious mindthe most powerful and empowering aspect of your brain.

Dorothy M. Neddermeyer, PhD, life Coach, Hypnotherapist, Author, "101 Great Ways To Improve Your life." Dr. Dorothy has the unique gift of connecting people with a broad range of profound principles that resonate in the deepest part of their being. She brings awareness to concepts not typically obvious to one's daily thoughts and feelings.

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Ozone Technology In Hot Tubs

What is Ozone? Ozone is something I am sure that many of us have heard about but we do not really know what it is.

ozone is a form of "active oxygen", nature's very own special molecule and interestingly enough the composition of one ozone molecule contains three oxygen atoms.

ozone is created automatically in nature by the process of mixing together, oxygen from the air with ultraviolet rays from the sun or by the very tremendous power generated by an electrical discharge during a lightning storm.

ozone is by its own very nature a natural purifier and rather pleasing to know is that no harmful chemical by-products are created during natural purification.

One of the beneficial effects of Ozone is the clean, fresh smell or scent which I will call scentsation which most people sense or smell after a rainstorm often thought as negative Ions.

The same effect is felt near fast flowing streams in mountain areas and that old saying springs to mind as "fresh as a mountain stream". Ozone is the most powerful oxidizer that can be safely used in a swimming pool or your Hot tub in Spain Jacuzzi Style spa.

Ozone is a great alternative water purifier to traditional pool/spa chemicals such as chlorine and bromine and is an essential for a Hot tub in Spain .

What Does Ozone Do?

Ozone is an unstable compound generated by the exposure of oxygen molecules to a high energy electrical discharge. The weak bond holding ozone's third oxygen atom is what causes the molecule to be unstable and thus, very effective. An oxidation reaction occurs upon any collision between a molecule of ozone and a molecule of an oxidizable substance (i.e. bacteria, fungi (mould & yeast), viruses, forms of iron & manganese). The weak bond splits off leaving oxygen as a by-product. During an oxidation reaction, organic molecules are changed and dissolved metals are made no longer soluble. Interesting as it is that these processes were used back in the days of wagon trains where silver and copper coins were tossed into the drinking water barrels to help purify the water. Even Lord Nelsons British ships of the line also put coins into water barrels to keep drinking water fresh.

Most pool cleaning publications recommend copper ions levels being around .20 ppm and .30 ppm (parts per million). Very briefly here is a quick description of what an Ion is. An ion is an atom or group of atoms that contains an electrical charge. There is a nucleus with positively charged particles called protons in it and negatively charged electrons orbiting around the nucleus. Atoms usually contain an equal number of protons and electrons. Ions get electrical charges by losing or gaining electrons. When an ion gains an extra electron, it becomes negative and is called an ANION and when it loses an extra electron it becomes a positive CATION. Time to look up the chemical composition of copper and how copper is ionized in water. Copper's chemical symbol is Cu and it has an atomic mass of 64, contains 29 protons and 35 neutrons The melting point of Cu is 1083 degrees Celsius.

Copper or Cu is one of the transition metals which means that electrons from it's outer electron layer or shell participate in chemical reactions. Where is Ozone Used? Even nasa uses the Copper/Silver Ionization treatment as a method to purify drinking water aboard spacecraft. Ozone is widely used in a variety of industries worldwide. This ionization process is used in many swimming pools as an alternative to using chlorine and other harsh chemicals. Ozone has been used in municipal water systems, wastewater plants and commercial & residential pools and spas for years. Ozone is used in many leisure complexes including water parks, aquariums and zoos. Ozone can safely be used as on food equipment surfaces during the manufacture of food products.

Ozone can readily help remove offensive odors from fires and other smells. Ozone is used as the final purification step in most bottled water plants.

Of course Ozone technology is also used by the Major Hot tub manufacturers. If you look for a Hot tub in Spain make sure it has Ozone as standard. This will greatly reduce the requirement to chemicals in your water treatment processes.

The author markets luxury Hot Tubs in Spain and for further information his web site is at Hydrospa in Spain

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