Thursday, January 10, 2008

The Development Of The Equipment And Golf Accessories

golf today has evolved as one of the most followed sports in the continent. golf clubs alone have some original accessories that are easily found and made more special with personal touches. golf clubs with the owners name engraved in them is the beginning of a long list of wonderful personalized and customized golf equipment. golf apparel is no exception to the personal side of golf.


Technology plays a big part in the development of the equipment and golf accessories that are on the market today, from the clubs to the golf balls, which have more technological input than any other type of sports ball. One of the latest golf accessories on the market that is getting the most buzz is gps tracking. Since these gps devices are becoming smaller they make so you can carry it with you and it fits right in your other golf accessories. golf is a wonderful sport and with the advancement of technology your golf accessories collection will surely increase.

An interesting thing to note here is that golf accessories are available in a variety of prices. Wholesale golf accessories are available in select places across the continent. If you are interested in buying wholesale golf accessories online, there is provision for that too. You can also learn about the various golf accessories wholesalers operating in the country. Apart from all this, one can also find out about golf accessories stores and golf accessories wholesale information.

Customizing your golf accessories can range from the practical to the outrageous. So find those golf accessories that will help your game. Besides the essential equipment of playing the game of golf, there are plenty of other golf accessories that help make it more fun and maybe even improve your score too. Find a variety of golf accessories, gifts, and games. Manufactures and exports specialty golf tees, putters with built-in slope detectors, and other golf accessories.


Accessories are all par for the course in golf, so get kitted out and enjoy the round. These accessories can improve the enjoyment of your golf game and also help to keep your golf equipment maintained at their best. Bearing this in mind, you will want to select the best accessories that will fit your budget requirements and your golfing goals. You can buy golf accessories that will improve the overall quality of your game (including how much you enjoy it as well as how skilled you are at it). If you are looking to add some major improvement to your golfing skills, you should consider getting lessons from a private tutor instead of spending your money on accessories.

Scoop up a bag full of bargains including sunglasses, towels, caps, divot tools, watches and many more exciting buys in our special offer golf accessories. More accessories are made for golfers than for any other sport. With so many fantastic accessories available it's sometimes hard to sift through it all.

James Young Clark is a successful Webmaster and publisher of www.AGolfersParadise.com. He provides more information about golf and golf issues that you can research in your pajamas on his website.

Yoga For Longevity Dvd

Why I Hate Golf - But Love It Too

Watching The open, the oldest and most prestigious tournament in golf, always makes me think about the level of my own play.

It would at best be described as 'poor'. I'd hate to think how it would be described at worst, but let's just say there are only 2 friends who are prepared to play with me, I am that bad!

It can be so frustrating, and yet of course it's highly addictive - when you hit a good shot, you want to hit another one, to repeat the good feeling... Then when you hit a bad shot, you want to hit another one to erase the bad feeling...

You can see the idea - there's always one next shot to do it right- it can be a life-long addiction! Watching the major Tournaments is a chance to see goal achievement theory at work in quite a pure form.

Let's face it, golf is a simple game to understand, but difficult to master. Difficult, but not impossible! All the top players, the ones that stay there for year after year, they simply took instruction on how to play, learned the technique, and then worked. Worked hard. Worked hard for years.

In fact they never stop working at it. They all have coaches, even tiger woods, and you can see them churn inside with frustration when they get it wrong. Notice though, that after they've had a strop at getting it wrong, they buckle down to getting it right!

A successful golf game is based almost entirely on constant hard work to implement techniques which have been taught.

Yes of course you get people who have natural talent, but the huge majority of players on the golf circuit just use this simple goal achievement lesson.

If you apply it to most things in general life, you'll see the same kind of results.

So, do you you hate (but love) golf like I do?

Gordon Bryan is the author of 'Transform Your life in 21 Days!' which has been described as 'motivational magic.' Read about it and grab his free 8 Step goal Achievement plan at: http://www.transformyourlifenow.com

How To Use Yoga Blocks

The Blissful Body of the Yogi(ni): Yidam Practice & Yoga Asana

Khenpo Tsultrim Gyamtso Rinpoche, a Tibetan yogi often compared to the great Milarepa, when addressing the issue of Yidam practice within the Vajrayana vehicle of Tibetan Buddhism, has said: It is the blissful body of the yogi or yogini that is the true Deity. So what might this mean? And how, if at all, is it (or could it be) related to the practice of yoga asana? Lets explore

Yidam practice unfolds in two stages: (1) The Generation or Creation Stage, in which the specific deity that one is working with is created, i.e. given a form within the imagination of the practitioner; and (2) The Completion Stage, in which that created form of the deity is dissolved: resolved into emptiness, and (its residue, its true intelligence) light/radiance. The practice also, over time, evolves from one in which the deity is merely a conceptual projection, to one in which the natural deity appears, non-conceptually, before the practitioner, as a visible aspect of his/her own radiance.

Yidam practice as a whole is based, in large part, upon a productive use of the imagination. It takes that capacity (and strong tendency) most of us have to make mental pictures, and uses this as a tool to align us with, open us to, a reality that is deeper, more profound, and truer than the one were habitually tuned into. The imagined forms of the deities have the quality of being able, potentially, to act as portals, or gateways into these deeper realities to put us in touch, directly, with aspects of awakened mind.

Now its important to notice the distinction between ~ on the one hand ~ this Yidam-practice way of using our imagination (as a very specific form of mental training, which ultimately can liberate us), and ~ on the other hand ~ a use of the imagination which amounts to no more than (habitual, and often largely unconscious) fantasizing. To engage in fantasy is ~ from the perspective of Buddha Dharma ~ a non-productive use of the imagination: one that takes us further into the territory of conceptualization, mental elaboration, and as such further and further away from a reality which has the potential to liberate us.

So how does any of this relate to the practice of yoga asana? We could, first of all, consider each specific asana as a deity-form: something we construct/project (a la the Creation Stage) and then dissolve (a la the Completion Stage). And certainly asana practice is based largely upon a distinction between productive and non-productive alignments/uses of the body. The productive alignments (a la the productive uses of mental imagination) are those which have the potential to open us into a reality deeper than the mere physical, e.g. to the level of the central Channel/Shushumna Nadi, and the subsequent conscious flow of that awakened energy outward, into the whole network of nadis within the subtle body of the yogi or yogini. The non-productive alignments (a la fantasies), on the other hand, simply keep the energy of our subtle bodies circulating unconsciously (divorced from the truth of the Shushumna Nadi) in old samskaric patterns, i.e. keep us circling on the wheel of bith-and-death which in Buddhism is called Samsara.

And in the same way that in deity practice there is an evolution from the deity as a mere conceptual projection (though a potentially productive one!) to the non-conceptual appearance of the natural deity; just so in our asana practice we often begin with a rather outside-in approach, in which the asana is actually a form of conceptual projection, i.e. its an idea we have (from our teacher, or books, or whatever) that we put forth in the form of an arrangement of (the appearance of) bones, muscles, etc. but its not yet real or natural. As our asana practice matures, more and more were able to work from the inside-out, in which the asanas emerge spontaneously, non-conceptually, as aspects of our natural intelligence/radiance. Our movements in and out of the asanas are infused with the spirit of what in Taoism is called Wu Wei: an effortless effort which quite naturally produces the correct alignments (as opposed to imposing those alignments based upon some external moral code of asana practice).

So how then do we progress from a conceptual to a natural way of expressing our asana practice? From the poses as mere conceptual projections to expressions of an awakened bodymind? A practitioner of the Generation Stage of Yidam practice might move in this direction by finding the Completion Stage within the Creation Stage, by finding the dissolution of the form as an inherent aspect of the form itself (much as ~ in Taoist theory/practice ~ Yang is an inherent aspect of Yin: they inter-are). In this same way, our asana practice might re-member the dissolution of form within every form/asana taken. And might ~ to extend the principle ~ put into conscious and ever-evolving relationship all opposing movements So little by little our ideas about the right way to do the pose are replaced by an ever-more-subtle tremoring which spontaneously aligns us in a way that allows our conceptually projected body to dissolve into the blissful body of the deity: an aspect of our own radiance, pouring forth, shedding itself continuously, for the benefit of all living beings.

One of the initial trainings in dream yoga ~ once the practitioner is able to be lucid (i.e. awake) within the dream ~ is to transform the body: to change the shape of ones body into the body of a bird; into an airplane (and fly to Paris!); or ~ relevant to our current exploration ~ into the shape of a deity, which ~ in the context of dreaming ~ is quite easy to experience and understand as being an empty form, i.e. a form made only of color, light & energy (much like a rainbow). In this same way, our vinyasa ~ our movement in and out of asanas, upon the thread of our awakened breath ~ might become, with practice, a kind of Rainbow Painting (Ive borrowed the phrase from a book with this same title written by Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche): merely a play in color, light and energy, a toggling back and forth between the display of empty forms (the specific asanas), and the bliss which is the residue of their dissolution.

And this, perhaps, represents ~ simultaneously ~ the waking up of the dream of our asana practice, and the waking up of the dream of our Yidam practice; represents the waking up from the dream/fantasy of religious practice into the blissful radiance of the Present Moment Amen and Sobeit.

Elizabeth Reninger has been exploring yoga ~ in its Hindu, Buddhist & Taoist forms ~ for more than twenty years, and is a student of Richard Freeman and Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche. She is also a published poet, and currently resides in Boulder, Colorado. For more essays on yoga-related topics, please visit her website at: http://www.writingup.com/blog/elizabeth_reninger

Pilates And Yoga Exercises That Target Legs And Abs

Wedding Minister Bringing People Together

As a wedding minister bringing people together in holy matrimony is one of the most rewarding things I could ever do. When two people willfully decide to commit their ongoing love one to another, it establishes a deep covenantal and unbreakable bond.

marriage provides the perfect context to grow individually and together. As you give and receive unconditional love, you become increasingly secure and strong as a person. Trust and transparency grow over time as you celebrate the joys and share life's sorrows together.

Recently I officiated a wedding in Central florida for a Japanese bride and an American groom who met at walt disney world. They first laid eyes on one another at It's a Small world, the unforgettable ride that separates the cultural divide. This magical moment led to them taking a journey together on Peter Pan's flight.

Truly the world is all interconnected and interrelated. This couple's love for one another attests to that and further joins East and West together in perfect harmony. The groom popped the question to his bride-to-be on the 4th of July, a surprise engagement with fireworks and people celebrating. It was a small taste of what their lives will be together forever.

Such is what matrimony is all about. The coming together of two vastly unique individuals to become one is magical and wonderful. I as a wedding minister could have no greater pleasure or honor than to seal the deal, tie the knot, and wholeheartedly celebrate the love two have got.

Love is the true meaning and essence of life.

Paul Davis is a wedding minister who officiates marriage ceremonies and vow renewals. He has been in ministry for over 15 years, blessing people around the world. He has traveled to over 50 countries and 6 continents having a worldwide impact.

As a relational coach, Paul's compassion for people and passion for transformation makes him very successful. His depth, understanding, experiential wisdom, and disarming sense of humor makes Paul a personal favorite of many couples. Highly celebrated and sought after, Paul has authored several books including Breakthrough for a Broken Heart and Are You Ready for True Love?

Pauls organization Dream-Maker Ministries is making a difference throughout the world building dreams, breaking limitations, and reviving nations. Pauls interpersonal and unprecedented experience engineering breakthroughs for individuals and organizations is revolutionary.

contact Paul to officiate your wedding and more! RevivingNations@yahoo.com 407-284-1705; 407-967-7553

http://www.itietheknot.com http://www.CreativeCommunications.TV http://www.DreamMakerMinistries.com

Yoga During Pregnancy Tucson